Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Are you ready to let go? Or will you let the past kill you?

Elder Brian Mundy
A powerful sermon closed the 2023 Elder's Conference this year. A dynamic call to forgiveness and healing so we can step up to the call God has for us and SERVE God. Don't miss this inspired sermon. 


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Unthinkable - a word of Warning and Hope!


I recently came across this sermon by Elder Aaron Smith. It was originally given at the communion service, on August 5, 2018, at Oak Grove Restoration Branch. I'm not sure how I missed hearing this the first time, or if I had heard it for some reason it was wiped from my memory. What I do know is that I found it noted as a word of warning and I knew I had to hear it. Brother Aaron was kind enough to help me find the sermon online and I listened this morning. 

This may have been given in 2018- but the message is still imperative today. The Holy Spirit is very present and the message God gives is truly one of warning. However, it's also very much one of HOPE! That hope lies in our Savior, Jesus Christ, and our decision to choose Him over everything else, but the important thing to note is it's OUR CHOICE. 

This call to Wake Up has been getting stronger every year. Have you taken the time to hear it? Have you shared it with others?

Unthinkable Sermon by Elder Aaron Smith

God is issuing a message to his people and I'm excited!

God is issuing a message to his people and I'm excited!  I've recently had the personal experience where God is calling me ...