Monday, July 27, 2020

The Best Days of the Church are still ahead - Don't let them pass by

Elder Karl Anderson
Elder Karl Anderson gave a powerful sermon Sunday night at the CMRB Reunion with a wonderful message from God. The best days of the church are still ahead - don't let them pass you by. 

With a pulpit pounding wake up call, brother Anderson calls us to awareness of our sins, our adulterous nature as a church, and yet gives us hope that with repentance we still have so much to look forward to. Don't miss out on what God is sharing with us here. 

Monday, July 13, 2020

Recognizing TRUTH

Elder David Burkart
Elder David Burkart gave a powerful and moving sermon Sunday evening as part of the summer series. His message centered around knowing and hearing God. Part of that core message also presented how Isaiah prophesied that in these end days truth would be published as lies and lies would be pushed as truth. Elder Burkart followed this with many current event examples that prove just how we are living this prophecy. The call to wake up and see if we are recognizing Truth when it is presented or if we are falling for the lies is a message we all need to examine. It might not be an easy message for some to hear, but when we are being shaken by God in an effort to wake us from our everyday sleep, we may find that to be uncomfortable. I hope all listen with an open heart and mind, praying for the Holy Spirit to witness to the truth of God's message for us today.

God bless!

God is issuing a message to his people and I'm excited!

God is issuing a message to his people and I'm excited!  I've recently had the personal experience where God is calling me ...